Come to Me Living the Nine First Fridays

Come to Me Living the Nine First Fridays

  • $24.95

Awaken your heart to God through devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus with this treasury of spiritual readings and prayers from speaker and retreat leader Sister Anne Flanagan, FSP.

In a private revelation, Jesus asked Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque to spread the practice of honoring his Sacred Heart by going to Mass and receiving Communion on nine consecutive First Fridays of the month. Come to Me: Living the Nine First Fridays accompanies you through this nine-month journey, offering profound insights into the love of Christ and the depths of the relationship to which Jesus invites you. Each month includes a theme and reflection, a saintly witness, and a guided Holy Hour.

Whether you are discovering devotion to the Sacred Heart for the first time or seeking to enrich it, this book can bring you closer to Christ’s Eucharistic Heart.

Praise for Come to Me: Living the Nine First Fridays

“In this wonderful book, Sister Anne Flanagan reveals how devotion to the Sacred Heart is deeply rooted in Scripture and the lives of the saints. Come to Me is a practical guide that will help you drink more deeply from the ‘living water’ that flows from the ‘Heart’ of Jesus (John 7:38).”

—Brant Pitre, author of Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist

 ISBN: 081981690

5.00 x 7.25

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