10" Our Lady Undoer of Knots Statue
6" OLO Grace Statue
6" St Christopher Statue
8" La Posada Statue
6.75" Our Lady Undoer Of Knots Statue
8.5" OLO Miraculous Medal Hand Painted Statue
25" Sacred Heart Of Jesus Concrete Garden Statue Granite Finish
6.25 " St. Peregrine Statue
15" St Michael with Devil Statue
6" Immaculate Heart Of Mary Statue
9" OLO Grace Hand Painted Statue
St Joseph's Children's Statue
Immaculate Heart of Mary Children's Statue
Sacred Heart Children's Statue
St Therese Children's Statue
St Patrick Children's Statue
St Joan of Arc Children's Statue
St Benedict Children's Statue
Saint Christopher's Children's Statue
St Michael Children's Statue
Lady of Guadalupe Children's Statue
8.5" Sleeping St Joseph Hand Painted Statue
8.5" OLO Lourdes Hand Painted Statue
11" Mary, Queen of Heaven Hand Painted Statue
10" St Francis with Wolf and Lamb Statue
6.25" OLO Lourdes Statue
6" St Therese Statue
12" OLO Fatima with Children Statue
9.25" Angel with Lion & Lamb Statue
10" La Pieta Statue
13.5" OLO Lourdes Statue
8" OLO Mt Carmel Statue
10.5" Immaculate Heart of Mary Statue with Prayer Base
7.25" St Michael Statue
6 Inch St Francis Statue
8" OLO Fatima Hand Painted Statue
11" Immaculate Conception Hand Painted Statue
9" OLO Rosary Hand Painted Statue
14" Sleeping St Joseph Hand Painted Statue
16" OLO Good Health Hand Painted Statue on Pedestal